Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Thought Again...

Today at around lunch time, i went with a group of friends to have lunch at their lunch spot, just to mix things up a bit. There was this gut who was constantly touching me, not in private areas, but on my upper body. He would put his arm around mine as we walked and he would smile at me, and at times he would feel the back of my head. I know weird, but it was like he was gropeing my head. I started to think, maybe he has feelings for me, so i put my arm around him as we walked to get food, he turned and smiled at me.
Later when we where walking alone, we pass a really hot woman that i didn't notice, but he did. He said, "Dude, did you see her tits, they where awesome!"
I was puzzled for a minute until i got the courage to ask him, "So... are you, or are you not?" "Huh, Oh, no I just play around like that, i'm not gay."
So after that little conversation, things got a bit akward, so we went seperate ways.

1 comment:

  1. did this realy happen??
    hahaha!loser....thats s lame...such akward glory xP
    you freak!
    you know i love you..-.- you know exaclty wko i am!muahahah!>:D
