Friday, July 23, 2010

Jizz... lol

I was at the beach with friends (i did not get in the water, i was in a white shirt and jeans) and you could not imagine, the view was amazing, and i mean the amazingly hot guys that were toppless and some in speedos! XD
I kept to myself, and just talked amung my friends, but the conversation started to die down. So i looked around, and saw these HOT guys playing volley ball. They served, dove, spiked, it was intence.
Then when their ball landed over to our group, one of the guys in speedos walked over and... well this is what happeded...
Hot Guy-"Hey, can we get our ball please?"
One of my gay friends-"Why dont you stay a while and...just hand here with us?"
HG-"Im kind of in the middle of a game... but maybe afterwards."
OOMGF-"Sure.." he gave a wink to him, and the guy actually smiled back.
After the VB game, the guy came over, and we takled. (More like interigated him..haha) But for some reason, my gay friend started to get into personal things with him, and then out of no where, they walked off on their own!!
WTF!! But i guess thats what you do when your single, and hornny. lol
Anyways, we talked amungst ourselves, and after a while, we started to wonder where he was. Ten minutes later, i spotted the two coming out of the men's restroom. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to know what happened.
My friend came back, and said nothing. So another friend(who is straight) asked him, "So...what went down between you and that guy?"
"Oh...nothing" he sighed.
I notices a stain on his pants, around the groin area, and said, "Well that jizz stain on ur pants doesnt seem like nothing." and i laughed.
He quickly looked down and saw the emberasdsing stain.
"FUCK MAN!" he said, and covered the emberassing stain with his jacket.
We kept bagging on him the entire ride home. XD

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